Thursday 29 January 2015

My Legacy Project


      To me the most powerful experience was the christmas bureau project because it felt so good to sponser and help a family that wasn't as fortunate as us. When we went to give the presents to the family i literally had tears in my eyes when i saw the look on their faces. It was indescribable. I remember the mom was crying, she was so happy and it made me feel so good that we could do something to make someone smile. This was definitely a huge milestone for me.

      I think I have grown so much from the beginning of the semester to now because back then I would be shy and I didn't really take interest in what we did in class. But after all the amazing volunteering and different experiences we had, it really changed me as a person. I found my voice, I learned to stand up for myself and I learned that life is short and we should live it in a healthy and positive way. I've become so much more open minded to new things and I've started to volunteer alot more in our community. I've also learned to be more appreciative about things and realize that I am fortunate and blessed to be where I am today. I also found out things that I didn't know about myself before. For example I didn't know that helping someone less fortunate than me could leave such a significance in my life. 

      Im working to improve on being more of a leader rather than a follower. I'm the type of person that kind of just goes with it and doesn't say her opinion. I really want to improve on fixing that.

      I have to say that my hero would be Malala. I think Malala is such an inspiration to young women everywhere because even though she got shot in the head, she still managed to stand up for girls to have an education and she won because she followed her dream and never gave up. She is a great leader and some day I hope to be aswell.

      Overall, I really enjoyed being in this class and I hope to continue living a healthy and positive lifestyle and being a good leader.

Thursday 11 December 2014

Where I am In My Leadership Journey

I think I am on my way of being a good leader! I used to be completely afraid to express how i truly felt and to stand alone. I would always get walked all over because I wasn't brave enough to stand up for myself and it hurt because I knew that this is not who I am and i just couldn't find the courage to stand up and be who i wanted. I was scared of getting judged by my family, friends, by everyone. But this class has helped me find my voice and taught me to be stronger. This class has changed me and its made me who i am today and i am so thankful for that. I've had so many great experiences in this class that i think have really impacted me. Especially the family that we sponsored. When we went to give them the presents the look on her face was undescribable! She was so thankful and appreciative to us and that made my heart melt. It was an incredible feeling knowing that doing such small deeds can really change someones life. I love giving back to my community and helping others it makes me feel so good to help someone in need. This class has made me open minded and a good leader and i hope to develop even more amazing leadership skills by the end of the semester.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Interim Report

This semester I think I've really built my confidence, I talk and participate a lot more and I'm not as shy as I was at the beginning. I think my work habits are good. I listen and give my full attention when others are speaking and I respect and treat everyone equally. I bring a positive attitude everyday and I come to class ready to learn about all the possibilities and new opportunities. Such as the food drive coming up, which I'm really looking forward to! I think it's going to be a great experience. I'm really enjoying this class because there are many amazing volunteer opportunities, fieldtrips and presentations. I've learnt so much from this class and I hope to continue and get involved and help in the community.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Work Habits Post

The reason that I think that I deserve a G as my work habit is because I always have my gym strip and I am always ready to participate. Somethings that i am good at are having a positive attitude and coming prepared. I am always ready to help with clean up and putting away equipment when needed. I mostly always come to class on time but occasionally I come late because I carpool with someone and sometimes they will be late. My goal is to improve this. Sometimes if I know that I am going to be late I will start walking to school. This will benefit me in ways because I will get to school on time and I will also get extra exercise. Though I also think I deserve a G because I always try my best in everything we do, whether its fitness or not or i don't like something I always put in complete effort. One thing that i want to improve on is not giving up. I tend to stop when i get a little bit tired. For example the beep test. I really want to change that and like really go for it, because I know that I have the ability to get higher than a 7. My goal for the end of the year is to maintain a good fitness level and lead a healthy lifestyle. Outside of school,  I do other activities that I hope I will continue to do. I do dance and also swimming which i really enjoy.

Monday 20 January 2014

Semester End Post

I have had a good semester. Some things I have done well in this semester are bringing my p.e strip and participating all the time without making excuses. I have improved quite a bit in my fitness level compared to the beginning of the year. For example, the beep test. On the first one i got 5. I think its because I hadn't eaten that morning and I wasn't feeling well either. On the one after that, I got 7.6. I really liked the musical chairs circuit on the fitness day and hope to do it more often. The pond run was ok. I didn't hate it but i didn't love it either, the beep test is a good test because it tells me if I improved or got weaker/lazier. I think I deserve an A because I keep a positive attitude and try my best all the time.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

P.E Blog

I think my work habit is a G because I come to class on time and in proper gym strip everyday. I put a lot of effort and I try to always live up to my best potential. In September I got 5.4 in the beep test because I didn't eat breakfast and my stomach was hurting so I gave up far before I would've. The second time we did beep test I got 6.7. I improved somewhat, but I know I can do better.